The project included the following activities:
- Preparation meeting (Slovenia, September 2021
- Training course for organizing YEs, workcamps, group ESC and similar international groups on natural building (Kosovo, October 2021)
- Youth exchange on natural building with the focus on gender equity (Kosovo, May 2022)
- Volunteering activities (Kosovo, January 2021- December 2021)
- Study visit (Kosovo-Croatia, March 2022)
- Midterm evaluation meeting (Albania, November 2022)
- Training course on ESC with natural building – (Kosovo, May 2023)
- Youth exchange on natural building with the focus on social inclusion (Kosovo, September 2023)
- Local dissemination actions in Albania, Serbia, Turkey and Kosovo.
- Final conference (Serbia, September 2023)
- Evaluation & Follow up (Serbia, November 2023)
The main results of the project are the following:
The handbook is a compilation of results which were created and used during the project. As such, this compilation can be useful for any youth worker which has at least some basic knowledge about natural building and wants to use it as a tool or a topic in their work with youngsters.
The documents covers basic information about Natural Building (history, global crisis, principles and values), Natural Building and youth work with the focus on Youth Exchanges, Training courses and Volunteering. This part includes also the check lists about Logistics and structure and Safety Guidelines that are a must in every project. Finally, there are 3 articles about good examples which can serve as inspiration (ECVET education, women in building and social inclusion).
Manuali është një përmbledhje e rezultateve të cilat janë krijuar dhe përdorur gjatë projektit. Si i tillë, ky përmbledhje mund të jetë i dobishëm për çdo punëtor rinor i cili ka të paktën disa njohuri bazë për ndërtimet natyrore dhe dëshiron ta përdorë atë si një mjet ose temë në punën e tij me të rinjtë.
Dokumentet mbulojnë informacionin bazë për Ndërtesat Natyrore (historinë, kriza globale, parimet dhe vlerat), Ndërtimin Natyror dhe punën rinore me fokus në Shkëmbimet Rinore, kurse Trajnimi dhe Vullnetarizmi. Kjo pjesë përfshin gjithashtu listat kontrolluese për Logjistikën dhe strukturën dhe Udhëzimet e Sigurisë që janë të domosdoshme në çdo projekt.Së fundi, ka 3 artikuj për shembuj të mirë që mund të shërbejnë si frymëzim (arsimimi ECVET, gratë në ndërtim dhe përfshirja sociale).
Safety guidelines for coordinators, volunteers and participants of youth projects in Natural Building These guidelines are intended to provide you with the general orientation to safety measures in youth and volunteering projects on Natural Building. You are encouraged to familiarize yourself with the contents of this guidelines, but please keep in mind that this guide cannot anticipate every situation.
Quality Standards are common agreements of minimal requirements for qualitative, safe, impactful and professional work with youth in the field of natural building. The agreement covers the following aspects: Preparation, Type of acceptable work, Logistics, Content of the program (learning outcome), Working site requirement, Limits and boundaries, Personeel, knowledge and competencies needed. The document includes four different Standards: (1) for educational projects, (2) long-term volunteering projects, (3) youth exchange and (4) post-disaster areas.
The evaluation report includes insights on the impact of the project. The evaluation measured impact on different aspects such as Inner change, Environmental issues, Social issues, Economic challenges and so forth. It also provides information about the identified needs of the participants for future projects and ideas for follow-up coopertion.
WaaMooM Documentary Film
The film follows the story of people and organizations that work with mud and youth. It explores the human connection with earth, natural and themselves. It tackles the meaning of living and working with earth, and as such provides creative foundations for involving young people from different backgrounds in muddy activities. The film offers ideas, solutions and inspiration for those interested in natural building, as a tool for empowerment or just a place to be. The film is visiting partner organizations and other actors in this field, in Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and Kosovo. The film was produced by Craft Film Collective from Novi Sad (Serbia).